Thursday 29 January 2009

Hat Cave!

Hat Cave, that's what I decided I wanted to call my shop if I had a hat shop. It would have to be a small place that was fully lined in hats. It doesn't sound that chic though. I'm not sure the ladies that lunch would come by. Do other people than that buy hats?

Anyway, I've not been writing for the last couple of weeks because I've been beavering away on the millinery. The first hat I completed was this sweet pillbox meets turban:

This hat is a made from a lovely greenish-gold velvet, a vintage brooch and feathers! The brooch has made it want to tip forward so, I had to add some extra loops at the back for pinning it into my hair.

I did wear it out and it was appreciated by the people of London. Except one guy, who was a little upset about the peacocks.

Then came the fedora. I'm not sure it can really be called a fedora now. It looks a bit more like a pimp hat. Well, just because it's so big. I guess it would be more of a madame hat because it has a couture sort of look to it where as a pimp hat would be expected to be a bit more naff. This is it:

It doesn't look so massive in the pictures. But, I swear if you saw me walking down the street with it on it would be the first thing you noticed.

Lastly I've got a few finishing touches, mainly feathers to add to this fascinator:

Watch out. I think this thing is going to look pretty sweet when it is done and on.

Lastly, I'm sad to report that I still haven't finished my boots. It may be another 2 more weeks before they are done. However, I'm finishing them up with a lot more help and attention from the teach so they are going to come out much better than expected! Yay!

Crafty Sunday is this coming Sunday with Pil and Galia.


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